Tic Tac Teo-Game-Projects
React Js / Hooks / Debouncing
The Tic Tac Toe project is an interactive web-based game developed using React, designed to bring the classic game of Tic Tac Toe to life in a modern, digital format. Players take turns as either X or O, with the current player's turn indicated prominently in the header. Upon a player winning, a message displays the winner as either X or O, and a restart button appears, allowing the game to reset and start anew. If the match results in a draw, the game shows a "Game Over: Match Draw, Try Again" message, providing an option to restart the game either by clicking the try again message or the restart button. The game is fully responsive, ensuring optimal performance across all devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. Key technologies used in this project include React, React-DOM, useState, useEffect, and various CSS animations and box shadows for a visually appealing and engaging user experience. The use of vibrant and pretty colors adds to the overall aesthetic of the game. This project not only delivers a functional and enjoyable Tic Tac Toe experience but also demonstrates modern web development practices and responsive design.
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